Index Word Mac

Open your Word document to an empty file. If you are using a new version of Microsoft Word, you. Click the References tab, and then click Mark Entry in the Index group - or press Shift+ Alt+ x. In Word 2003, choose Mark Index Entry on the Insert menu. (If this command isn't available in.

  1. Index Word Mac Download
  2. Index Word Mac Free

Before rebuilding the Spotlight index

  • Follow the steps for when Spotlight returns unexpected results.
  • If you're having difficulty finding items in the Mail app, follow the steps to rebuild Mailboxes in Mail.

Rebuild the Spotlight index

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Spotlight.
  2. Click the Privacy tab.
  3. Drag the disk or folder that you want to index again to the list of locations that Spotlight is prevented from searching. Or click the add button (+) and select the disk or folder to add.

    You can add an item to the Privacy tab only if you have ownership permissions for that item. To learn about permissions, choose Help from the Finder menu bar, then search for “permissions.”
  4. From the same list of locations, select the disk or folder that you just added. Then click the remove button (–) to remove it from the list.
  5. Quit System Preferences. Spotlight will reindex the contents of the disk or folder. This can take some time, depending on the amount of information being indexed.
This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

To display or hide formatting marks (e.g., spaces, tabs, and paragraphbreaks) in a Microsoft Word document:

Word for Windows

  1. In Word 2010, on the File tab, click Options. InWord 2007, from the Office Button menu, select WordOptions near the bottom right corner of the menu.
  2. Select Display from the listing at the left.
  3. In the section titled 'Always show these formatting marks on thescreen', check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to view the marks ofyour choice. To show or hide them all, select Show all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

Word for Mac OS X

  1. From the Word menu, select Preferences....
  2. Select View.
  3. In the section titled 'Nonprinting characters', check or uncheckthe appropriate boxes to view the marks of your choice. CheckAll to see all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

Index Word Mac Download

Index Word Mac Free

You can also toggle between displaying and hiding formattingmarks. To do so:

  • In Word for Windows, on the Home tab, in the Paragraphgroup, click the paragraph icon.
  • In Word for Mac OS X, click the paragraph icon in the Standardtoolbar. If you don't see the icon, from the View menu,choose Toolbars, and then check Standard.